Category Archives: Mold Remvoal

The Impact of Mold and Where it Comes From

Mold and mold damage are normally not something we tend to think about on a regular basis. However, the impact that mold infestations can have on a home and on a person are far more severe than one might think. So the questions are where does mold come from? And how does it effect us?

Mold can be tricky because it is found in virtually every building and every house around the country. Mold can (and will) grow on pretty much any surface where moisture is present. This would include under sinks, behind refrigerators, in laundry rooms, in bathrooms, etc. This means that a certain amount of mold in your home is to be expected.

Since mold is found where there is moisture, you need to be careful to check around the house for it. It can be hidden in hard to reach areas, which can make it hard to know if you have a mold problem. The best course of action is to check on some of these more common areas somewhat often so you can be sure that mold isn’t popping up.

Mold remediation should be your first choice if you find a source of mold. The first thing you should do is to remove the source of the moisture so that the mold will not continue to grow and expand in that location.

Mold in small quantities is not known to be dangerous for humans, and is expected in your home. However, it is important to keep tabs and clean out mold whenever you can. Most cleaning methods will require a professional service, but there are a few things you can try at home such as damp wipes and wet vacuums.; This will prevent your home from welcoming an infestation. These infestations are when the mold can become a danger to your health. If you are looking for a good mold removal service, make sure to ask for references and proof of certification.

Mold in and of itself is not a harmful substance, but the spores it produces can become harmful to humans. The effect of spores can include allergic reactions such as sneezing, runny nose, a cough, etc. Luckily, statistics seem to show that only about 10 percent of Americans suffer from mold allergies, so this is not particularly common.

However, mold can do more than trigger an allergic reaction. In some cases it is known to cause depression, anxiety, headaches, confusion, and brain fog. What makes it difficult to pinpoint is that almost no doctor would consider the possibility of a mold infestation causing these symptoms, which means it is incredibly rare to be able to pin these symptoms on the presence of mold.

However you look at it, mold in excessive amounts is bad for your health, and in some cases can even have long-term detrimental impacts on your physical and even mental health. Be sure to check around the house for any presence of mold, and if there is too much mold to remove on your own do not hesitate to get in touch with a professional mold removal service to have your house put back into a livable condition.